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Monday, September 15, 2008

User Interface

It is classified in four tabs, equipment, use, set-up and etc. based on the characteristics of the items

Place the cursor over the item to see the required skill level and the item's effectiveness in detail.

The mesos the character possesses are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

The "use" items can be placed in the HotKey's for quicker, easier use.

The HotKey: ( I )

Displays all the items that are equipped by the character in parts.

You can only put on a single item per part.

Place the cursor over the item to see the detailed descriptions of each equipment.

Displays the thorough stats of the character.

HP: Health Points. The character will die if it reaches 0. HP will decrease if character is attacked or usage of a particular skill that requires the use of HP. Hp can go up to a maximum of 30,000.

MP: Mana Points. It’s important for usage of various skills and spells. MP will increase 3 points every 10 sec. MP can go up to a maximum of 10,000.

Max HP: It's the maximum amount of stamina each character can have. Max HP will increase either after leveling up or adding a stat point to it. The amount of growth depends on the job and the skills that comes with it.

Max MP: It's the maximum amount of Mana one can have. Max MP increase either after leveling up or adding a stat point to it. The amount of growth depends on the job and the skills that comes with it.

STR (Strength): The stat that affects the most of the character's ability to attack.

DEX (Dexterity): The stat that affects the success rate of attack.

INT (Intelligence): The stat that affects the magic attack.

LUK (luck): The stat that affects the accuracy of character’s attack and avoidability from monster’s attack


Displays the skills that the character possesses.

Place the cursor over a skill to see the detailed description of each skill.

Can be placed in the quick slots to use them.

Game Starting

You'll need to sign up an account to enjoy MapleStory, along with its guilds, communities, and various other services.

Connects to the member sign-up page. Users without an account may enjoy the game after signing up.


Login ID : Enter your Login ID. It has to be the one you created.

Password: Enter your password. If you can't remember your password, click on “Find login ID ” or “Find Password”

Click on “Login” button to start MapleStory

Connect to the official website of

Quit the game

Select the world and channel you wish to enter.

After choosing the game world and channel, you'll be choosing your character.

Select a Character
Allows you to choose the character you wish to represent, train and groom within MapleStory.

If you already have a character, double-click on it to start the game. Create a character if you have not created one.

Create a Character
Allows you to create a new character. You may create 3 characters per account.

Delete a Character
Allows you to delete a character. For security purpose, you are required to enter your 8-digit birth date, mmddyyyy.

Click on “Create a Character” Button At the left of the character are the items it is equipped with, and on the right, the name and the stats.

The character can be outfitted with a basic set of clothes, face, and hairstyle.

Click on the item at the right of the list to choose the item of your liking.

Choose the name for the character, then click “CHECK” to see if the name is available.

The stats for STR, DEX, INT, and LUK will be randomly assigned through a red dice on the right of the screen.

You can roll the dice until you find the right combination of stats for your character. You are advise to decide on the job that the character wish to take before deciding in the stats.

Click “OK” when confirmed to create the character.

Choose the character you wish to represent, train and groom within MapleStory, and then click on "choose character" to start the game.

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Saturday, September 13, 2008


Luck with minor amount of dexterity, and power are the highlights a being a thief. Thieves are apt to using special skills such as sneak attacks and hiding in the battles.

Thieves' main weapons are daggers abd claws. They are equipped with skills such as stealling, hiding and moving fast to ald them selves in the battles.

In order to move quickly and unnoticeably, thief prefereed to be dressed in tight, bland colors clothes.

There are two way job as a thief
  1. Rogue - Assassin - Hermit - Night Road
  2. Rogue - Bandit - Chief Bandit - Shadower
In order to advance as either one listed above, various requirement need to be meet. You are advised to consider cautiosly what kind of a thief you want to become down the road before commiting to a route.

Once you have chosen your path, you can't choose a different path and advance with another job later on.

Go to Kerning City located west of Victoria Island. Search for Thieves' Hideaway at a cafe in the basement. Look for the Dark Road, a recluse of kerning City. Talk to him, and he'll judge your worth as a possible thief. If you are at least in Level 10 with DEX of 25 or over, you'll advance as the Rogue.

At the Bowman Thieves' Hideaway, you'll receive "Thief Introduction", a Level 1 Skill Book from Dark Road.

Study the list of obtainable skills you can learn, along with the Skill Points available for you to assign to skills you want to master. You'll receive 3 SP for every level up. Some skills requires the mastery of certain skills. " Thief Introduction " provides information on the basic skills of a thief that specializes in fast attack and hiding

Skill Table

1. Assassin
Assassin use the claw as the main weapon. It facilitates them in long-range and fast attack.

The claw is a glove that enables one to throw throwing knives or throwing star at the enemies. It holds lightening-quick attacking speed and long range attacking ability but attacking damage may not be on par with the bowman.

The main disadvantage of an assassin is not being able to fire throwing knives or throwing stars without gaining some space away from the enemies. Nevertheless, assassins are equipped with skills that have high level of avoidability and certain level of dexterity and accuracy which allow them to stand an advantage in long-range attack.

It's one of two jobs available after making the 2nd job advancement as the Rogue. A basic set of skills to master the claw is available, as are other useful ones like heist, which improves speed and jumping abilities, drain, which absorbs an enemy's HP, and etc.

Talk to Dark Road, a recluse of kerning City. He'll rave about how much stronger you look now than before. He'll then make an offer; that if you pass a simple test, he'll make you even more powerful than you are.

Once you have accepted the offer, he'll give you a letter whereby you’ll need to pass to the job advancement instructor near Perion.

Once the instructor receives the letter, you will be sent to the testing ground where the test began. You are required to collect 30 dark crystals by defeating monsters inside. As there are no stores within the testing ground, do stock up enough items to prepare yourself for the battle.

You will be awarded a Proof of a Hero once the test is completed successfully. To complete your advancement as an assassin, you will need to bring that back to Dark Road in Kerning City.

Skill table

2. Bandit
Bandits use a dagger as the main weapon. It enables them to strike them quickly from up-close.

There are two types of daggers; Regular dagger and Cutters. A regular dagger requires strength like the warriors. It is quick in attacking speed and equipped with guarding abilities.

Cutters may not be as fast in attacking speed, but it enables the bandits to apply major damage to the enemies as it requires investment of ability points on luck.

The attacking ability may not be on par with the warriors, but they are equipped with skills such as steal which make up to the disadvantage. Possess with high level of avoidability, they can apply serious damage on close combats along with the warriors.

It's one of two jobs available after making the 2nd job advancement as the rogue. A basic setof skills to master the dagger is available, as are other useful ones like heist, which improves speed and jumping abilitu, drain, which absorbes an enemy's HP, and etc.


Talk to Dark Road, a recluse of kerning City. He'll rave about how much stronger you look now than before. He'll then make an offer; that if you pass a simple test, he'll make you even more powerful than you are.

Once you have accepted the offer, he'll give you a letter whereby you’ll need to pass to the job advancement instructor near Perion.

Once the instructor receives the letter, you will be sent to the testing ground where the test began. You are required to collect 30 dark crystals by defeating monsters inside. As there are no stores within the testing ground, do stock up enough items to prepare yourself for the battle.

You will be awarded a Proof of a Hero once the test is completed successfully. To complete your advancement as a bandit, you will need to bring that back to Dark Road in Kerning City.


Skill table

Friday, September 12, 2008


Bowmen embrance dexterity for powerful attacks. They are superior in long-range attacks in battles.

Bowmen handle its core weapons, bow and crossbows very well. They might choose to use a light sword, blunt weapon, or and axe occasionally. They are adept at avoiding enemy, and prefer armors that are light enough to maximize dexterity.

They are two ways job as a bowmen
  1. Archer - Hunter - Ranger - Bow Master
  2. Archer - Crossbow man - Sniper - crossbow Master
In order to advance as either one listed above, various requirements need to be met. You are advised to consider cautiously what kind of a bowman you want to become down the road before committing to a route.

Once you have chosen your patch, you can't choose a different path and advance with another jab later on.

Go to Henesys town, located south of Victoria Island at a prarie. Search for Bowman Instructional School which is inside a park within Henesys town. Look for Helena, a legendary hero of Henesys. Talk to her, and she'll judge your worth as a possible bowman. If you are at least in Level 10 with DEX of 25 or over, you'll advance as the Archer.

At the Bowman Instructional School, you'll receive "The Basics of a Bowman", a Level 1 Skill Book from Helena.

Study the list of obtainable skills you can learn, along with the Skill Points available for you to assign to skills you want to master. You'll receive 3 SP for every level up. Some skills requires the mastery of certain skills. "The Basics of a Bowman" provides information on the basic skills of a bowman that specializes in mastering the art of bow.

Skill Table

1. Hunter
Hunters use bows as the main weapon. It may not have the power of a crossbow but is much quicker in general.

Attacking damage from usage of a bow is weaker than a crossbow, but attacking speed is faster, thus enabling your character to hunt swiftly.

Bows are two-handed weapons, so shields can't be used. The main disadvantage of a hunter is not being able to fire arrows without gaining some space away from the enemies.

Nevertheless, bowmen are equipped with skills that emphasize dexterity and accuracy, along with other kinds of long-range attacking skills to make the hunter the ideal long-range attacker.

It's one of the two jobs available after making the 2nd job advancement as the archer. A basic set of skill to master the bow is available, as are other useful skills like the one that enables the Hunter to fire arrows without actually using up the arrows, and knock-back that allows the Hunter to gain some space to attack. These skills are more than enough to cover up some of the shortcomings the Hunter has.

Talk to Helena, a legendary hero of Henesys. She'll rave about how much stronger you look now than before. She'll then make an offer; that if you pass a simple test, he'll make you even more powerful than you are.

Once you have accepted the offer, she'll give you a letter whereby you’ll need to pass to the job advancement instructor near Henesys.

Once the instructor receives the letter, you will be sent to the testing ground where the test began. You are required to collect 30 dark crystals by defeating monsters inside. As there are no stores within the testing ground, do stock up enough items to prepare yourself for the battle.

You will be awarded a Proof of a Hero once the test is completed successfully. To complete your advancement as a Hunter, you will need to bring that back to Helena in Henesys.

skill table

2. Crossbow Man
Crossbow man use crossbows as the main weapon. It may not have the attacking speed of a regular bow but is much more powerful in general.

Attacking speed from usage of a crossbow is slower than a crossbow, but attacking damage is more powerful. It can go through any monsters seen during the hunting adventure.

Crossbows are two-handed weapons, so shields can't be used. The main disadvantage of a hunter is not being able to fire arrows without gaining some space away from the enemies.

Nevertheless, bowmen are equipped with skills that emphasize dexterity and accuracy, along with other kinds of long-range attacking skills to make the hunter the ideal long-range attacker.

It's one of the two jobs available after making 2nd job advancement as the archer. A basic set of skills to master the crosbow available, as are other useful skills like the one that enables the crossbow man to fire arrows without actually using up the arrows, and the knock-back that allows the Crossbow man to gain some space to attack. These skills are more than enough to cover up some of the shortcomings the crossbow man may have.

Talk to Helena, a legendary hero of Henesys. She'll rave about how much stronger you look now than before. She'll then make an offer; that if you pass a simple test, he'll make you even more powerful than you are.

Once you have accepted the offer, she'll give you a letter whereby you’ll need to pass to the job advancement instructor near Henesys.

Once the instructor receives the letter, you will be sent to the testing ground where the test began. You are required to collect 30 dark crystals by defeating monsters inside. As there are no stores within the testing ground, do stock up enough items to prepare yourself for the battle.

You will be awarded a Proof of a Hero once the test is completed successfully. To complete your advancement as a Crossbow man, you will need to bring that back to Helena in Henesys.

skill table


Magicians may not have much of attacking abilities, but they can handle awesome,spectacular magic at will.
Studying ancient studies is magician's virtue, so high intelligent is of a top priority.

Staff and magic are magician's main weapon. Since they work all their life on researching, they may not have much strength or stamina. Thus, they prefer light armor like robes with minimal defense as they can't put on heavy ones.

They are three way job as a magician

  1. Magician - Wizard(Fire/Poison) - Wizard - Mage - Arch Mage
  2. Magician - Wizard(Ice/Lightening) - Wizard - Mage - Arch Mage
  3. Magician - Cleric - Priest - Bishop
In order to advance as either one listed above, various requirements need to be met. You are advised to consicer cautiously what kind of a magician you want to become down the road before committingto a route.

Once you have chosen your patch, you can't choose a different patch and advance with another jab later on.

Go to Ellinia located east Victoria Island on a deep forrest. Look for Hines, the Head Magician and the chief of Ellinia town. Talk to him, and he'll judge your worth as a possible magician. If you are at least in Level 8 with INT of 20 or over, you'll advance as the Magician.

In the magic Library, you'll receive "Introduction to Magic", a Level 1 Skill Book from hines.

Study the list of obtainable skills you can learn, along with the Skill Points available for you to assign to skills you want to master. You'll receive 3 SP for every level up. Some skills requires the mastery of certain skills. "Introduction to Magic" provides information on the basic skills of a magician that specializes in magic and defense.

Skill as magician

1. WIZARD(Fire/Poison)
Wizard of Fire & Poison are special breed of magicians specializing in fire and poison-based spells.

Fire-based spells are the most powerful spells of all. They can perform up to 1.5 times damage to the ice-based enemies. Performing fire-based spells to fire-based enemies is of disadvantage. They will receive either half the normal damage attack or even none at all.

Poison-based spells poison enemies. It will slowly take away enemies’ Health Points.
But application of poison-based spell need time to take effect on enemies. Poison-based enemies will not be much affected by it.

Magicians are poor in stamina and weapon defense. Therefore they are weak against enemies that attack with weapons. In contrast, they are strong against magic-based enemies with fire or poison-based attacks.

It's one of three jobs available when making the 2nd job advancement as a magician. Basic attacking skill on fire and poison are available, as is boosting up magic power, teleport, slowing down enemies, and other useful skills.

Talk to Hines, the chief of Ellinia town. He'll rave about how much stronger you look now than before. He'll then make an offer; that if you pass a simple test, he'll make you even more powerful than you are.

Once you have accepted the offer, he'll give you a letter whereby you’ll need to pass to the job advancement instructor near Ellinia.

Once the instructor receives the letter, you will be sent to the testing ground where the test began. You are required to collect 30 dark crystals by defeating monsters inside. As there are no stores within the testing ground, do stock up enough items to prepare yourself for the battle.

You will be awarded a Proof of a Hero once the test is completed successfully. To complete your advancement as a Wizard of Fire & Poison, you will need to bring that back to Hines in Ellinia.

Skill as a Wizard(Fire/Poison)

2. WIZARD(Ice/Lightening)
Wizard of Ice &Lightening are special breedof magicians specializing in ice and lightening-based spells.

Ice-based spells aren't as powerful as the fire-based spells, but they have an advantage of being able to freeze up an enemy temporarily. Performing ice-based spells to ice-based enemies is of disadvantage. They will receive either half the normal damage attack or even none at all.

Lightening-based spells are the weakest of all spells, but they have the advantage of attacking many enemies at once. Performing lightning-based spells requires plenty of MP on each attack. Wizard of ice and lightning will also have the risk of dying as they are required to run into enemies during attacks.

Magicians are poor in stamina and weapon defense. Therefore they are weak against enemies that attack with weapons. In contrast, they are strong against magic-based enemies with ice or lightning-based attacks.

It's one of three jobs available when making ythe 2nd job anvancement as magician. Basic attacking skills one ice and lightening are available, as is boosting up magical power, teleport, slowing down enemies, and other useful skills.

Talk to Hines, the chief of Ellinia town. He'll rave about how much stronger you look now than before. He'll then make an offer; that if you pass a simple test, he'll make you even more powerful than you are.

Once you have accepted the offer, he'll give you a letter whereby you’ll need to pass to the job advancement instructor near Ellinia.

Once the instructor receives the letter, you will be sent to the testing ground where the test began. You are required to collect 30 dark crystals by defeating monsters inside. As there are no stores within the testing ground, do stock up enough items to prepare yourself for the battle.

You will be awarded a Proof of a Hero once the test is completed successfully. To complete your advancement as a Wizard of Ice & Lightning, you will need to bring that back to Hines in Ellinia.

SKILL AS A WIZARD(Ice/Lightening)

Clerics are special breed of magicians wielding holy spells with the power of prayers.

Cleric may not possess the attacking spells like fire and ice, but they have holy spells that are very powerful against the undeads and devil-based monsters. Magicians are poor in stamina and weapon defense but they are equipped with skills of casting healing magic which make up to its disadvantages.

It's one of three jobs available when making the 2nd job advancement as a magician
. Religious magic attacks availbale, as is recovering HP, improving the abilities of everyone in party, and other useful skills.

Talk to Hines, the chief of Ellinia town. He'll rave about how much stronger you look now than before. He'll then make an offer; that if you pass a simple test, he'll make you even more powerful than you are.

Once you have accepted the offer, he'll give you a letter whereby you’ll need to pass to the job advancement instructor near Ellinia.

Once the instructor receives the letter, you will be sent to the testing ground where the test began. You are required to collect 30 dark crystals by defeating monsters inside. As there are no stores within the testing ground, do stock up enough items to prepare yourself for the battle.

You will be awarded a Proof of a Hero once the test is completed successfully. To complete your advancement as a Cleric, you will need to bring that back to Hines in Ellinia.

Skill of Cleric

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to improve your character

There are many way to improve your character. One of them is smart in upgrading the status and skill. For the example:~
Warrior character, the player must add the STR point into the highest point to make sure it attack become strong.

Bowman character, DEX is very important to this character. It is because, this character are attacking from the far distant. If the DEX are not add, the hit of this character will low and make its attack become miss.

Another example is about thief character. This character need high Lucky(LUK) to improve their ability to dodge any melee attack from enemy. If you play for the assassin, the STR are important to increase your damage to the enemy.

But not to Magician, magician is very special. This character are need intelligent(INT)in the high point. This character also need some LUK to wear some clothes and weapons. The skill of this character make this character like a GOD. It is because the skill of this make the melee attack from enemy reduce and not make the reduce HP. The attack just reduce mana point of the character in the small amout. This Character very hard to kill if they have many mana and another mana potion.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Warrior display awesome attacking process and everlasting stamina.
The show their worth fighting up close adn personal.

Warrior weapon are mainly sword, axe , blunt weapons, spear, and pole arms.
Some others, like Black Knights, attack with magic.

The job order for the warriors reveals a 3-way job.

1. Warrior - Fighter - Crusader - Hero
2. Warrior - Page - Knight - Paladin
3. Warrior - Spearman - Dragon Knight - Dark Knight

In order to advance as elther one listed above, varlous requirements need to be met. You are advised to consider cautiously what kond of a warrior you want to become down the road.

Once you have chosen you path, you can't choose a different path and advance with another job later on.

Go to Perion located up north of Victoria Island on Pontos plateau. Look for Sitting Bull, the chief of perion town, in the Shrine of Warriors at the very top of the town.

Talk to him, and he'll judge your worth as a possible warrior. If you are at least in Level 10 with STR of 35 or over, you'll advance as the Swordman.

Being a member of the Warrior Guild, you'll receive "The Basics of a Warrior", a Level 1 skill book. Study the list of obtainable skills you can learn, along with the Skill Points available for you to assign to skills you want to master.

You'll receive 3 SP for every level up. Some skills requires the mastery of certain skills. "The Basics of a Warrior" provides information on the basic skills of a warrior that specializes in growing strength and stamina.

Skill Table

Fighters' main advantage is that they can incur a huge attacking damage with their immense attacking skills. Bot fighters are conversely weak again spells.

Enemies that are strong against weapon attacks will still give them fits. The stamina and attacking abilities are just right; therefore it’s a safe choice for the warriors to advance as a fighter.

It's one of the three jobs available after successfully making the 2nd job advancement as the swordman. You will acquire the basic skills to master sword or axe, but it's much more beneficial to stick to one weapon and focus on it. A skill like Rage, which boosts up your attacking abilities, can definitely help you in battles.


Talk to Sitting Bull, the chief of perion town, in the Shrine of Warriors at the very top of the town. He'll rave about how much stronger you look now than before. He'll then make an offer; that if you pass a simple test, he'll make you even more powerful than you are.

Once you have accepted the offer, he'll give you a letter whereby you’ll need to pass to the job advancement instructor near Perion.

Once the instructor receives the letter, you will be sent to the testing ground where the test began. You are required to collect 30 dark crystals by defeating monsters inside. As there are no stores within the testing ground, do stock up enough items to prepare yourself for the battle.

You will be awarded a Proof of a Hero once the test is completed successfully. To complete your advancement as a Fighter, you will need to bring that back to Sitting Bull in Perion.

Skill Table

The attacking ability of pages may not be on par with the fighters, but as they advance, they can obtain different kinds of spells to their arsenal.

It's one of the three jobs available after successfully making the 2nd job advancement as the swordman. you will acquire the basic skills needed to master sword and blint weapons, but it's much more benefificial to syick to one weapon and focus on it. There's also a skill called Threaten which helps make up for a weak attack rating but also temporarily decreasing the abilities of the enemy, so that'll help a lot.

Talk to Sitting Bull, the chief of perion town, in the Shrine of Warriors at the very top of the town. He'll rave about how much stronger you look now than before. He'll then make an offer; that if you pass a simple test, he'll make you even more powerful than you are.

Once you have accepted the offer, he'll give you a letter whereby you’ll need to pass to the job advancement instructor near Perion.

Once the instructor receives the letter, you will be sent to the testing ground where the test began. You are required to collect 30 dark crystals by defeating monsters inside. As there are no stores within the testing ground, do stock up enough items to prepare yourself for the battle.

You will be awarded a Proof of a Hero once the test is completed successfully. To complete your advancement as a Page, you will need to bring that back to Sitting Bull in Perion.

Skill Table

Spearmen' main weapons, the spears and the pole arms, atre the most powerful set of weapon available.

Spears and pole arms are long and huge weapons. Although there’s a difference in damage between slashing and stabbing, they can perform the most damage as compared to other warrior’s.

These weapons are two-handed weapons, so shields can't be used. The attacking speed is generally slow, but these weaknesses can be overcome with guard-oriented and speed-oriented skills. Spearman can be the most dangerous warrior in Maple World.

It's one of the three jobs available after successfully making the 2nd job advancement as the swordman. You'll acquire the basic skills needed to master spear and pole arm, but it's much more beneficial to stick to one weapon and focus on ot. With skills such as Iron Wall and Hyper Body available. The spearman has much greatest stamina and guarding abilities than that of ither warriors.

Talk to Sitting Bull, the chief of perion town, in the Shrine of Warriors at the very top of the town. He'll rave about how much stronger you look now than before. He'll then make an offer; that if you pass a simple test, he'll make you even more powerful than you are.

Once you have accepted the offer, he'll give you a letter whereby you’ll need to pass to the job advancement instructor near Perion.

Once the instructor receives the letter, you will be sent to the testing ground where the test began. You are required to collect 30 dark crystals by defeating monsters inside. As there are no stores within the testing ground, do stock up enough items to prepare yourself for the battle.

You will be awarded a Proof of a Hero once the test is completed successfully. To complete your advancement as a Spearman, you will need to bring that back to Sitting Bull in Perion.

Skill Table

Beginner Character

As a beginner, you may not have a job yet. But with much training you will soon be qualified for your 1st job advancement.

Although the beginner are not equiped with any specials skills, there are still basic, crucial skills such as walking, jumping, sitting, climbing up the ladder, and etc. to be mastered.

Once your character reaches level 8 / 10, you may choose to undertake any of the four job; warrior, magician, bowman, or a thief.

The requirements and the places for the job advancement differ from job to job. In MapleStory, 4 job advancements are available for your character.


- Take a job at perion in the Victoria Island
- In the Shrine of Worrior
- Level Must at 10 or above with the Strenght(STR) 35 or More

- Take a job at Ellinia in the Victoria Island
- In the Magic Library
- Level must at 8 or above with the Intelligent(INT) 20 or more

- Take a job at Henesys in the Victoria Island
- In the Bowman Instructional School
- Level must at 10 or above with the Dexterial(DEX) 25 or more

For the proceeding advancements, you’ll be able to obtain the information from each job’s town. Every job advancement comes with a Skill book, which lists out a number of skills that are crucial to master.